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A seasonal vegetable set consisting of 10+ items. Including fresh herbs, leafy greens, root crops, and seasonal fruit. Customized amounts and variety can be made upon request. 

旬のお野菜セット(L) (Seasonal Vegetable Set)

SKU: 364215375135191
  • ご注文受付後、お届けまで、1〜2日前後でお届けします。郵便局の宅配サービスを利用してお届けします。クール便での配送も可能です。送料は、お届けする地域ごとに異なります。

    Once an order is placed, we can ship it between 1-2 days and will have it delivered using the carrier service in Japan. Refrigeratred shipping is available.  Shipping cost depends on the customer's location. Please include your telephone numebr and exact Japanese address for shipping. 

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